If it is a brand new OSRS account then you First need to pass through Tutorial Island.Additionally,you may need a least a weekly Membership.Further make sure to find your way to Varrock and the Grand Exchange.
You will need to sell valuable items in order to buy tools at the Grand Exchange throughout the game!
After buying your iron ax go to the surrounding trees and start chopping! By all means continue till your OSRS account reaches Level 15 woodcutting. Then upgrade your ax.
Tried OSRS account teleport? Use it to go to and from the Bank.
Upgrading your OSRS ax is supposed to keep you going until your OSRS account reaches Level 31 or 41. Hence upgrade with the OSRS Rune Ax, which is the best OSRS Ax in free to play.
Next step –Mining. Make sure to complete the Doric quest, he will explain everything you need.
Grab your ax and start mining Iron at OSRS account Level 15
You may happen to love OSRS mining, however you must learn OSRS cooking. Therefore you must complete the OSRS Cooking Assistant quest. Earn more money to buy OSRS runes and train your OSRS account Magic level.
Need a vacation? Go to Karamja straightaway to Level up and feel Magical!
Find your OSRS account lost in the wilderness of the island?
Search for the OSRS Monastery to cast your telekinetic rab. Stay aware of danger and make sure to have some food.Sell what you earned at the OSRS Grand Exchange and earn at least 450K. Thus this can bring your cash to over 540K. After all you may achieve this at OSRS account Level 31.
Find out what is next in similar fashion. Of course if you find yourself in a need of OSRS Gold, make sure to visit our website!
Play Safe ^^