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How to get a RS account for free and is it a smart decision?

Remember the days when Runescape 2007 gold was the most talked about thing? In 2018 starting all over again in the tutorial island will definitely bring back a lot of memories when you are going through the basics of this game. Once the basics are out of the way, it is off to the grind in the real world as you have to earn your levels.

The ultimate goal is to get a membership without having to pay a single cent and you must be wondering if it is possible. Yes, it is indeed possible to get a membership without having to pay any money and it is done through bonds. The Osrs bonds will cost you around 4.2 million of in-game Runescape gold and a single bond will be providing you a membership for 14 days.

The membership can be obtained either through bonds via in-game gold costing RM 19.99 for one bond while for obtaining membership for a month you will need to shell out RM 39.99 per month.

It is often recommended that only players with a high combat and skill level should go for bonds as they will have enough gold left to use on the new unlocked features. Imagine a low level player buys a bond and is left with almost no gold to use. That wouldn’t be a wise decision would it?